Rally Sunday Celebration Sloppy Joe Lunch, September 8,
with Freewill Offering for Tabor Food Assistance Program




The Tabor Trumpet


A Monthly Newsletter of Mount Tabor Lutheran Church

"An inclusive compassionate community living God's love in the world."


175 South 700 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 | 801.328.0521 | www.mttaborslc.org



Page 1 From the Pastor's Desk
Page 2 Our Life Together  
Page 3 New Bookkeeper starting at Mt. Tabor
Page 4 Progress towards a New Call at Mt. Tabor
Page 5 Mt. Tabor Landscape Committee Report
Page 6 Financial Report
Page 7 FACE Hunger and Homelessness
Page 8 Tech Column by Harry Heightman
Page 9  Worship Assistant Schedule for September and October
Page 10 12 Step Meetings at Mt. Tabor



2024 Council Members

Dave Warren

Vice President
Chris Jensen

Congregational Life
Virginia Hancock

Social Action
David Simpson

Worship & Music
Kylie Jones-Greenwood.

Lawrence Allred

Financial Secretary
Deb Elstad

Su Phay & Radek Omelianczyk