Mount Tabor Lutheran Church

Rev. Christine Higueria-Street

175 South 700 East
Salt Lake City, Utah 84102
801-328-0521 - Church Office

Email the Office     Email the Pastor

Church Staff

Rev. Christine Higueria-Street

Bob Brown - Music Director

Brenda Wardle - Remote Office Assistant


Congregational Council

Dave Warren

Chris Jensen
Vice President

Jennifer Miller-Smith

Lawrence Allred
Building & Grounds Team Liaison

Kylie Jone.-Greenwood
Worship & Music Team Liaison

David Simpson
Social Action Team Liaison

Virginia Hancock
Congregational Life Team Liaison

Deb Elstad
Financial Secretary

Su Phay and Radek Omelianczyk - Treasurer



If you wish to have us pray for you either privately or in worship, please send your prayer requests to  Indicate if you wish your prayer request to be private and it will only be sent to our prayer circle with your note for confidentiality.


Mount Tabor is a member of the Rocky Mountain Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

I feel like I belong at Mount Tabor like I did at Mom's house, and the message is about unity, equality and love. ~ Phil...