• Serving Dinner at Vinny's
  • Sorting food for Utah Food Bank
  • Shelving Assembly team for Family Promise
Ministries of People who:
  • live in gratitude.
  • are called to be generous.
  • recognize the abundance of God's gifts.
  • are deeply committed to love our neighbors as ourselves.
  • distributing food boxes for seniors in our neighborhood
  •  welcoming and providing a safe place for recovery and support group meetings
  • supporting the work of Crossroads Urban Center with donations of needed supplies and providing them a large space for meetings
  • serving dinner to our homeless neighbors at St. Vincent de Paul Center
  • sorting food at the Utah Food Bank
  • providing emergency assistance to members facing food insecurity and homelessness
  • advocating for our suffering neighbors by participating with FACE Hunger and Homelessness initiatives
  • providing shelter for families that find themselves temporarily homeless

Ministries of Place

Mount Tabor is dedicated to providing spiritual service to the body of Christ which involves the wise stewardship of God's resources for the accomplishment of the work of ministry.
Our ministries are defined by finding opportunities to fully engage the church building in service to the greater community and its people suffering from addiction, hunger and homelessness.
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." At Mount Tabor, we are advocating for policies that wil get kids and their families off the street for good and working towards a future where we, as a house of God, offer safe, cozy, emergency housing for families in our church building.