Mt Tabor’s Landscape Committee met on Sunday, August 18, 2024 to review and compare the two landscape bids; one from DJ Landscapes and the other from Black Diamond Landscape and Lighting.

The purpose of this meeting was to decide on which landscape company to begin the initial and most necessary phase from the landscape consultation and sketches prepared by the Glover Nursery Landscape Consultation team, in May of 2023. 

The committee felt that removing the bushes, building an open fence and planting waterwise plants with a drip system, would open the area on the south side and thus discourage the ongoing private use of our patio.

The committee chose DJ Landscapes as they are currently the landscape company we have been using, they know our property and watering systems. 

DJ Landscapes has removed the grass and weeds along the rocks on the East side of the parking lot.  They have installed the drip system and will proceed with planned planting of ice plants and woolly thyme as weather permits.

The bid from DJ Landscapes included the following:

  • Removal of the large bushes and vines on the south side of church, hauling these away and leaving the existing ground cover
  • Build 72 feet of wooden fences along the South sidewalk, 3 -3 ½ feet in height or 6 feet in height depending on the requirements of the Salt Lake City Commercial Fencing permit
  • Install drip system for south side planting areas
  • Pick up plants, deliver and plant including planting soil and starter (Mt Tabor has a $150.00 coupon for merchandise from Glover Nursery to be used in this project)

The landscape committee requested a bid for installing a concrete walkway from the sidewalk next to the storage shed to the top of the stairs leading down to the patio on the east side.  The length of this sidewalk would be approximately 30 feet long. 

As DJ Landscapes does not install concrete paths, we are currently obtaining a bid for the concrete and labor from one of Mt Tabor’s members.

If you have any questions regarding this initial phase of the landscape plan, please contact any of the Mt Tabor Landscape Committee members:  Duane Lee, Barbara Cochran, Lawrence Allred, Tim Nagel, Sarah Lange, Lee Kreutzer, Kylie Jones-Greenwood

Respectfully submitted by,
Leslie Carey
Landscape Committee Member