Parking Agreement Signed

After numerous complaints concerning the weekday takeover of the church parking lot by workers at a nearby construction project, Congregational President Dave Warren and the project manager have signed an agreement to manage the situation.

Dave tasked members Bruce Palenske, Jennifer Miller-Smith, and Lee Kreutzer to reach a solution with the construction company. The resulting agreement, negotiated by Bruce and accepted by the project manager, allows project employees and subcontractors to occupy 20 assigned parking stalls Monday through Saturday, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Their parking stalls are on the north side of the lot and will be numbered with green spray chalk. Workers are also allowed to use church grounds for their lunch hour, and the construction company will ensure that any lunch litter is removed. The company will pay Mt. Tabor $750/month for their use of the lot until the project is completed by the end of this year. Payment will be made through our online Building Use Donations link. Any further questions or concerns about parking may be directed to Bruce, who is Tabor’s point of contact with the construction project manager.

Mt. Tabor also has a long-established parking agreement with Matis Dermatology, which  allows four employee vehicles to use our lot during business hours. Their parking stalls near the south entrance will be marked with a “D” in spray chalk. In addition, two stalls near the blue dumpster need to remain unoccupied during the week so that garbage collectors can access the dumpster.

Tabor members are asked not to park in the marked stalls or the dumpster stalls on weekdays during business hours. All stalls remain available for our use on Sundays.

Acceptance of payment for use of Mt. Tabor’s lot will not affect the church’s nonprofit status, according to IRS rules.


City Arts Grant Application Submitted

With Council approval and in coordination with the Landscaping Committee, Lee Kreutzer submitted a grant proposal for creation of a nature-themed mural on the concrete half-wall located at the west-side sanctuary exit, facing 700 E.

The grant request to the Salt Lake City Arts Council is for $2,500, which is expected to cover the entire cost of the mural. Monsoon Artworks has agreed to create the mural; examples of their work can be viewed at Crossroads Urban Center provided a letter of support for the application. The City Arts Council will announce grant recipients in September.