The New Ministry is not only taking shape, but activities and transformations are not far away. It's time to give this new ministry a name and create a statement of its vision. We are putting out a suggestion - didn't want to start with nothin' -  and your are invited to get involved and either thumbs up the suggestion presented below - or - share one of your own.

Fill out the survey so we capture your input. You can enter as many times as you want. If you want a response or a prize, share your name and email.

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This is an entry for the new ministry name for the renovated housing provided on the second floor of Mount Tabor and offered to homeless families through a program managed by Family Promise and Mount Tabor. What do you think? Choose one:
Let us know how you feel about this entry: Lutherans believe that Grace compels believers to actively work for justice in the world by loving their neighbors and advocating for the marginalized. Mount Tabor is committing to help some of the most vulnerable, being homeless children and their families.
Share you name if you submitted a new name or vision and wish to be acknowledged.
Supply your email if you want a response to your submission.