Service opportunity at the Utah Food Bank, we will be sorthing Food on Saturday, October 5th. Tabor volunteers sort canned and non-perishable goods at the Utah Food Bank 3150 South 900 West, Salt Lake City. Contact Casey White for more information at (801) 678-5049. Rumor has it that Casey sometimes brings donuts!!
"Dinner At Vinny's" service opportunity is Tuesday, October 8th from 4:30-6:30pm at the St Vincent DePaul Dining Hall at the Weigand Center downtown. Come and share Tabor’s gracious and loving hospitality with our hungry neighbors living on the streets. Wealways have room for more volunteers! Please see Casey White if you have any questions.
Our distribution of USDA food boxes to seniors in our neighborhood continues with our next distribution set for Wednesday, October 23rd. Boxes are available for those who meet eligibility guidelines and have signed up through the Utah Food Bank. This program is a natural extension of our ongoing partnership with the food bank in which Taborites have volunteered at the Utah Food Bank for over 30 years! Our distribution is growing and we expect even more clients in November - stay tuned!
October Birthday
10 Jenny J. 29 Harry H., Radek O.
11 Kylie J-G. 31 Hendrix H.
19 Lou W.
Congregation Council Is meeting in-person October 20 after worship.
Utah Food Bank We will be sorting food at the Urah Food Bank October 5th from 10am to Noon.