Golden Celery Food Drive for Crossroads Urban Center





The Tabor Trumpet


A Monthly Newsletter of Mount Tabor Lutheran Church

"An inclusive compassionate community living God's love in the world."


175 South 700 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 | 801.328.0521 |



Page 1 From the Pastor's Desk
Page 2 Our Life Together  
Page 3 Two Ways to help Crossroads in July
Page 4 Worship Assistant Schedule for July and August 2024
Page 5 Treasurer's Report
Page 6 12 Step Meetings at Mt. Tabor



2024 Council Members

President-Dave W. 

Vice President-Chris J.

 Secretary-Jennfer M.-S.

 Congregational Life- Virginia H.

 Social Action- David S.

 Worship and Music- Kylie J.-G.

  Building and Grounds- Lawrence A..

  Financial Secretary- Deb E.

  Treasurer:  Sharon H.