Advent Evening Prayer, Wednesdays at 7pm starting Nov 29
Santa Lucia Celebration Sunday Dec 10
Christmas Eve Candlelight and Carols Service at 7pm
December 24 Communion service at 10:30am




The Tabor Trumpet


A Monthly Newsletter of Mount Tabor Lutheran Church

"An inclusive compassionate community living God's love in the world."


175 South 700 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 | 801.328.0521 |



Page 2 Pastoral Ponderings
Page 3 Our Life Together and December Birthdays  
Page 4 Worship Assistant Schedule for December and January 2024
Page 5 12 Step Meetings at Mt. Tabor
Page 6 Gift of the Drummer by Casey White
Page 7 Solar Energy Update
Page 8 Treasurer's Report
Page 9 Crossroads Urban Center FACE Hunger and Homelessness
Page 10 Video Greetings and Thanks from Jalisco, MX Water Project



2023 Council Members

President:  Dave W. 

Vice President:  Dannie G.

Recording Secretary:  Jennfer M.-S.

Team Liasons

Worship and Music  Chris J.

Financial  Dave W.

Social Action  Casey W.

Building & Grounds Tim N..

Christian Ed/Kids and Families:  Virginia H.

Congregational Life  Becki K.