Tabor Diaper Drive for Crossroads was a huge success!! Thank you for the many, many boxes of toddler-size diapers you donated to help with this great need in our community. Way to go Tabor!
Service opportunity at the Utah Food Bank, we will be sorting food on Saturday, November 4th. Tabor volunteers sort canned and non-perishable goods at the Utah Food Bank 3150 South 900 West, Salt Lake City. Contact Casey White for more information at (801) 678-5049. Rumor has it that Casey sometimes brings donuts!!
Blood Drive at Tabor Monday, November 13th Noon to 6pm. If you have questions please contact Pierre Pearson.
Young and Older Adults Knowing Strength (YOAKS) monthly lunch gathering is Tuesday November 14 starting at noon. Becki K is hosting, a meal is provided, and a fun activity is planned for all. Please RSVP to Becki before Sunday November 12. Please invite your friends and neighbors!
“Dinner at Vinny’s” service opportunity is Tuesday, November 14, 4:30-6:30pm at the St Vincent DePaul Dining Hall at the Weigan Center downtown. Come and share Tabor’s gracious and loving hospitality with our hungry neighbors living on the streets. We always have room for more volunteers! Clean-up help especially! Please see Casey White if you have any questions.
Winter Gloves for unsheltered neighbors, Sunday November 19 through December 24. You're invited to donate water-proof gloves for Catholic Community Services' "Gift of the Drummer Boy" winter drive. Please bring your donations to the narthex, and Casey W will be delivering them to St. Vincent de Paul downtown for distribution.
Council meets on November 19 after worship.
Thanksgiving Eve worship and Pie Social Nov 22 at 7pm. Come give thanks, and stay for a "potluck pie tasting social" to kick-off the feasting on Thanksgiving Day!
Advent Holden Evening Prayer begins Wednesday Nov 29 at 7pm. Speakers from Tabor will talk on the theme of "His Natal Star". "Natal" means being present at the beginning of something special that impacts our lives in a significant way. Rev DanaLee Simon will be the speaker on November 29. Wine, juice, coffee and cheese fellowship will follow. Please consider hosting one of the fellowship times after Evening Prayer. Please invite your friends and neighbors to this special way to prepare for Christmas.
November Birthdays
17 David W. 23 Ayla H.
Is meeting in-person and Zoom November 19 after worship.
Utah Food Bank
We will be sorting food at the Utah Food Bank November 4 from 10am-Noon.
© Mount Tabor Lutheran Church | Website courtesy of Lever Pulley