We are adding the weekly bulletin to the website homepage beginning this coming Sunday, December 1st.
Come share the magic! We're going to decorate our sanctuary for Christmas on December 1st after church. All are invited to part this moment! Christmas Blessings, Lanea Brown
Wednesday Advent Services begin December 4th at 7pm. We will sing Holden Evening Prayer together, and we will hear what advent means to those in other cultures. Wine, juice, cheese and crackers afterward. Special music will be provided by Bob Brown. Invite a friend!
"Dinner At Vinnies" service opportunity is Tuesday, December 10th from 4:30-6:30pm at the St Vincent DePaul Dining Hall at the Weigand Center downtown. Come and share Tabor’s gracious and loving hosDepitality with our hungry neighbors living on the streets. We always have room for more volunteers! Please see Casey White if you have any questions.
Senior Food Box Distribution Our distribution of USDA food boxes to seniors in our neighborhood continues with our next distribution set for Wednesday, December 17th. Boxes are available for those who meet eligibility guidelines and have signed up through the Utah Food Bank. This program is a natural extension of our ongoing partnership with the food bank in which Taborites have volunteered at the Utah Food Bank for over 30 years! Our distribution is growing and we expect even more clients in November - stay tuned!
OAKS (Older Adults Knowing Strength) bible study and luncheon will resume on Tuesday, December 16th at 12 noon. Pizza will be served. Let Su know if you plan on attending by Sunday, December 15th. Subsequent OAKS will be on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, all are welcome.
Do you have any photos of recent Mount Tabor activities? If so, please send them to Brenda at office@mttaborslc.org
Calendar We are excited to announce that we have added a Mount Tabor Calendar to the our website. So that you can always check and see what's going on at the church. If you need to put something on the Tabor calendar please contact Brenda at office@mttaborslc.org.
Possible tour of Tabor’s Original Building
Lisa Cannon, the new owner of the original 1909 Tabor church at 381 E Avenue, recently contacted Mt. Tabor to inquire about the history of the old building and its congregation. She has kindly offered to set up a site visit/tour for current Tabor members. If you would like to tour the old building, please let Lee know in person or at kreutzer@xmission.com, by December 1 so she can set up a visit.
Transitional Church Employment Changes
During this time of transition the council has been reviewing all paid positions at Mt. Tabor.After a comprehensive analysis of our church employment structure we have made changes to our on-site administrative and custodial positions.We have volunteers in place to cover basic custodial and administrative needs while we conduct a search for a new service provider. We will keep the congregation informed of any needs or changes.
- Mt Tabor Church Council
December Birthdays
5 Chris J.
17 Pierre P.
Congregation Council Is meeting in-person December 15th after worship.
Utah Food Bank We will be sorting food at the Urah Food Bank December 7th from 10am to Noon.
© Mount Tabor Lutheran Church | Website courtesy of Lever Pulley