A Word from the Dean

Dear Friends and Partners in Ministry,


Thanks for reading the Utah Conference Newsletter. Please forward this to your friends and associates who are energized by being church together.


This edition is chock full of information not only about our congregations and ministries in Utah, but also about ministry opportunities in the greater Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA Churchwide. All of us are faithfully active in mission in our unique contexts and particular communities, with our varieties of gifts and perspectives, and it’s simply true that together we are greater than the sum of our parts...because Christ is the head and we are the body of Christ.


If you have information about recent events to celebrate, upcoming events you want people to know about, or resources that your ministry can share, please email me at pastormichael@zelc.org (link sends e-mail).


If you were forwarded this newsletter, to subscribe, click here (link is external).


May your Lenten journeys be blessed with grace and peace, and the ever-present love of God who takes us from death to life.


Grace and peace,

Pastor Michael Tassler (Zion Lutheran Church, Salt Lake City)