Right now members of the United States House of Representatives are discussing a budget resolution that has the primary goal of making tax cuts created five years ago permanent. The draft of the budget resolution that passed out of committee included massive cuts to Medicaid at the insistence of hard line conservative Republicans. Those conservative Republicans have also expressed an interest in making cuts to Medicare. 


Moderate Republicans from swing districts have said they will not vote for a resolution that mandates major cuts to Medicaid. Over 750,000 Utahns would not be able to obtain basic healthcare without Medicare or Medicaid. You can help protect those people by reaching out to your Representative in Congress and asking them to help make sure cuts to healthcare programs are not included in a budget resolution or a budget reconciliation bill.


Utah's Representatives in Congress:


If you are unsure who your Representative in Congress is you can find them here:


In 2022 a surge in family homelessness led to a waiting list being imposed at the family shelter in Utah for the first time in many years. State leaders responded to this crisis by appropriating money to purchase an old hotel and convert it into a second family shelter in Salt Lake County. That facility has been purchased and is almost ready to open but only has money for staff and operations through June, 2025. Governor Cox's has proposed that the state budget for coming fiscal year include $5.8 million in ongoing funding to open this facility. In August of last year, the operators of the family shelter in Midvale reported that they had been forced to turn away 834 families in the past year because that facility was full. Every child deserves a safe and warm place to sleep so members of the Utah Legislature should adopt the Governor's funding recommendation.  


Unfortunately, this funding request is only the seventh highest priority on the list of funding requests presented to the Economic and Community Development Appropriations Subcommittee. Please reach out to one or more member of the leaders of committee that comes up with the final version of the budget, the Executive Appropriations Committee, and ask them to help ensure kids in Utah have a warm, safe place to sleep next winter.


Executive Appropriations Committee Leaders:

Senator Jerry Stevenson, Senate Chair,

Senator Val Peterson, House Chair,

Senator Scott Sandall, Senate Vice Chair,

Representative Walt Brooks, House Vice Chair,



Downtown Food Pantry:  347 South 400 East. Salt Lake City, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM. For more information call 801-364-7765.


Services Available: Food Bags or Boxes • Baby Formula • Diapers • Soap, Toothpaste & Other Hygiene Products • Tampons & Pads • UTA Day Passes • Prescription Assistance • Gasoline vouchers • Utility Shut-Off Prevention Assistance • Vouchers for Free Clothing at our Thrift Store

Westside Food Pantry:  1358 West Indiana Avenue, Salt Lake City, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. To learn more about our services or how you can volunteer or donate food call 801-935-4079


Services Available:   Food Bags or Boxes • Baby Formula • Diapers • Soap, Toothpaste & Other Hygiene Products • Tampons & Pads • Vouchers for Free Clothing at our Thrift Store. 

Thrift Store:  1385 West Indiana Avenue, Salt Lake City, Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM. Call 801-359-8837 for more information.

Services Available:   Free clothing with voucher from one of our food pantries or a community partner. Discount price on used clothing and household items. 

Crossroads Urban Center | 347 South 400 East | Salt Lake City, UT 84111 US

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