Transition Listening Circles

There will be three sets of questions for each person to reflect on during the listening circles. The transition team leader will guide the group with basic instructions to facilitate the discussion. As promised, the questions will be provided ahead of the listening circles which are found below:

Reflect on the Past

  1. Share a positive memory of Mt. Tabor. What is something from the past that you would like to continue moving forward?
  2. Share a challenging memory of Mt. Tabor. Is there anything from the past that you would like to leave behind?

Assess the Present Moment

  1. What good things are happening at Mt. Tabor right now? What are you proud of?
  2. What is the central challenge that Mt. Tabor is facing right now (beyond not having a pastor)?

Dreaming about the Future

  1. What is your hope for Mt. Tabor in the next 5-10 years?
  2. What might have to change n order to make your dream a reality?
  3. What are 2-3 characteristics needed in our next pastor?

We look forward to our conversations and hearing from each of you.

The Transition Team – Lanea, Dannie, Radek & David