Thanks-for-Giving Appeal for Mount Tabor in 2025
It is the season to consider our contributions to the vision and mission of Mount Tabor. You should have received a letter with an enclosed Statement of Intent card and an addressed stamped envelope to use. We would like to have these returned either by mail or at church one of the first two Sundays in December. The Council uses this information as they formulate a budget for the coming year. This is particularly consequential this year as a new pastor’s time and compensation package is deliberated.
We invite you to reflect prayerfully and intentionally on how you support our community's on-going worship and fellowship. Our considerations aren’t a once-a-year endeavor. We are constantly called to practice generosity, to serve, to lead and to love. As we recognize the abundance of God’s gifts to us, may we explore the ways we can be bolster our commitment.
We have an exciting time ahead of us – a time of transition. We are strengthening our ministries in pursuit of using our building in new ways to provide food and shelter to the homeless and vulnerable and seeking God’s guidance in finding a new pastor.
Mount Tabor is one of those places where you can look out on a Sunday at worship and realize there are few or no pew-sitters. How amazing is that! In our time of Thanks-for-Giving we thank you all for making the coffee, taking care of broken solar panels, making music, doing the office work and all the other myriad engagements that keep the Tabor community vital.
~ Pastor Christine Higueria-Street
~ Deb Elstad, Financial Secretary
~ Su Phay and Radek Omelianczyk, Treasurers