Discerning and Electing a New Bishop in 2024
Electing a bishop is one of the most important responsibilities in the life of a synod and a key responsibility of the Synod Assembly (correct dates are April 25-27, 2024). As an election, it is a process governed by the constitution, bylaws, and continuing resolutions of the synod; however, it is also a call process. As such, it involves discernment, from the perspective both of individual potential nominees and of the synod as a whole.
This summer the Synod Council began the process which will lead to the election of a new Bishop at the Synod Assembly in April 2024. The first step in that process has been the appointment of a Bishop Election Committee, comprised of rostered leaders and lay people from around the synod. This committee has the responsibility of assuring that a fair and competent election is held, and also assuring that opportunities for feedback, discernment, and reflection are widely available prior to the 2024 Assembly. Along with the leadership of Conference Deans, the committee will organize gatherings for rostered leaders and laypeople this fall. Input from rostered leaders will also be invited at the fall Theological Gatherings.
Watch this publication (eConnection) and the Synod website for more information regarding the logistics of the election and the dates and locations of Conference Gatherings.
You can read the full responsibilities of the committee HERE
The Committee members are:
Pr. Ann Hultquist, Chair
Christian Mogren, Utah Conference
Elizabeth Mullins, Border Conference
Pam McClune, Metro West Conference
Pr. Carrie Baylis, Southeast Colorado Conference
Deacon Cynthia Biddlecomb, North New Mexico Conference
Pr. John Knutson, Northern Colorado Conference