Adult Bible Study before worship, 9-10am in the East classroom. Rev David Vasquez Levy, President of Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, gave a Bible study at the Synod Assembly in El Paso last spring, called “Out of the Waters: Resisting the Power of Fear.” This study helps us get to know the characters in Exodus as fully human beings rather than “holy heroes” and relates their experiences to the issues of migration today. Come join this 6 week study at any time! For more info: Jean S and Regina R.
Service opportunity at the Utah Food Bank, we will be sorting food on Saturday, October 7th. Tabor volunteers sort canned and non-perishable goods at the Utah Food Bank 3150 South 900 West, Salt Lake City. Contact Casey White for more information at (801) 678-5049. Rumor has it that Casey sometimes brings donuts!!
“Dinner at Vinny’s” service opportunity is Tuesday, October 10, 4:30-6:30pm at the St Vincent DePaul Dining Hall at the Weigan Center downtown. Come and share Tabor’s gracious and loving hospitality with our hungry neighbors living on the streets. We always have room for more volunteers! Clean-up help especially! Please see Casey White if you have any questions.
Faith and Advocacy Coalition to End (FACE) Hunger and Homelessness meets Wednesday October 11, noon to 1pm at Tabor. Bill Tibbitts is our community organizer from Crossroads Urban Center and chairs the meeting. Come and learn how you can be part of the movement for social justice in UT!
Everyone's invited to the Stroller Rally on the steps of the State Capitol from 10am-noon on October 11 to show support for UT Care for Kids' efforts to "push for change in childcare" in Utah. Kids, babies, friends, strollers, wagons, bikes, and any wheeled transportation are all welcome! Come if you simply believe in a fair society that provides for working parents to support their families and contribute to our local economy. Your presence makes a difference!
For more information, please visit the Care for Kids website:
Fall Gathering at Tabor, Saturday Oct 21. As you know the people of the Rocky Mountain Synod will be calling a new bishop at our Assembly next spring. As part of that process, our Utah Conference of churches will have conversations together at Tabor, centered on "Who Are We" as the Rocky Mountain Synod and "The Bishop We Seek" from 9:30am to noon on Saturday October 21. All are invited.
Council meets on October 22 after worship.
October is Diaper Drive month for Crossroads food pantry! Larger toddler-size diapers are especially needed. Please bring your donations to the narthex. Thank you for your amazing generosity and kindness!
Blood Drive at Tabor Monday, November 13th Noon to 6pm. If you have questions please contact Pierre Pearson.
October Birthdays
10 Jenny J. 29 Harry H., Radek O.
11 Kylie J-G. 31 Hendrix H.
19 Lou W.
Is meeting in-person and Zoom October 22 after worship.
Utah Food Bank
We will be sorting food at the Utah Food Bank October 7 from 10am-Noon.
© Mount Tabor Lutheran Church | Website courtesy of Lever Pulley