Actions of the Tabor Council, 1st half of 2023. Written by Dave Warren, Congregational President

Over the first 6 months of 2023, the council has held 6 meetings and made the following decisions. The decisions are in chronological order.

1) In January, the council approved moving excess general funds from the 2022 calendar year into the capital research dedicated account. The amount was anticipated to be $4,554.06.

2) In February, the council approved funding the license for Zoom to come out of the general budget.

3) In February, the council approved the minutes of the annual meeting.

4) In April, the council approved Tim getting bids for the replacement of the carpeting in the east classroom.

5) In May, the council approved sending to the Memorial and Endowments (E&M) committee the request to xeriscape the grass-covered area under the rock wall on the east side of the parking lot.

6) In May, the council approved sending to the Memorial and Endowments (E&M) committee the request to hire a xeriscaping consultant to create plans for xeriscaping the remaining grass in the southwest corner of the church.

7) In May, the council approved sending to the Memorial and Endowments (E&M) committee the request to repair and refinish the baptismal font.

8) In May, the council approved the creation and display of a banner to indicate our support for unions, which was specifically driven by the 4th South Starbucks workers attempting to create a union shop. A lively discussion was had about the wording of the banner, with concerns about indicating support for purchasing items from Starbucks. The motion was amended to have the executive committee review and approve the final wording being developed by Pastor David.

9) In May, the council approved increasing the amount of Pastor David’s salary to cover the increase in the employee-paid premium for his family’s health insurance. The increase is approximately $910 and will apply from July to December. The congregation-approved budget lists a monthly amount of $343.44 under the line item “Employee Health Insurance Contribution”. The purpose of this line item is to reimburse the deduction in Kirsten’s pay for employee-paid premium associated with providing health insurance to the pastor’s family. Starting in July, the amount of the deduction will increase to $494.95. The council approved increasing the amount of the line item “Employee Health Ins. Contribution” by $910 which will be distributed from July to December.

10) In June, the council approved the request for use of the building on 2 July from 7 to 10 PM by Ulster Project – Utah. Dave Warren will host this one-time event.