• Music at Tabor

Pastor David begins his annual monthly sabbatical in July at the Vancouver, BC School of Theology. Pr Gordon Young will be leading worship and responding to pastoral needs.

Non-perishable food drive for the Crossroads Urban Center Food Pantry: “The Golden Celery Competition” begins Sunday July 2.  Let’s see if we can keep the Food Barrel full in the fellowship room! (Winning congregation gets a can of dehydrated celery from 1950.  Who can resist that?!!)

Service opportunity at the Utah Food Bank, Saturday, July 1, 10am-noon.  Come help other Tabor volunteers sort canned and non-perishable goods at the Utah Food Bank 3150 South 900 West, Salt Lake City.  Contact Casey White for more information at (801) 678-5049.  Rumor has it that Casey sometimes brings donuts!! 

“Dinner at Vinny’s” service opportunity is Tuesday, July 11, 4:30-6:30pm at the St Vincent DePaul Dining Hall at the Weigan Center downtown.  Come and share Tabor’s gracious and loving hospitality with our hungry neighbors living on the streets.  We always have room for more volunteers!  Clean-up help especially! Please see Casey White if you have any questions.  

Council meets on August 13 after worship.  There will be no Council meeting in July.

Tabor Vision Team meets Tuesday, August 1 at 7pm.  

Next Vision Team report to the congregation will be on Sunday, August 6 from 9am to 10am in the fellowship room.  All are invited!

Church Picnic and Outdoor Worship is Sunday August 27 beginning at 10:30am at Sugarhouse Park Parley’s Pavilion.  Our special guests for the picnic will be “The Busking Bus” (starring our own Mallory deForest!)  Invite your friends and neighbor.

Historic Rendezvous and Trail Outing

Join Lee and Lawrence on Saturday, Sept. 1 at the Fort Bridger (WY) Mountain Man Rendezvous and a guided tour back to Salt Lake City along the California and Mormon Trail.

We’ll gather that morning at Fort Bridger State Historic Park, about 1 1/2-hr drive north of SLC on I-80, spend a few hours enjoying the exhibits and activities, and have a bring-your-own picnic lunch at the fort before driving back along the historic trail corridor starting at Echo Canyon. Admission to the Rendezvous is $5 for visitors age 12 and up. The schedule of events can be downloaded from  www.fort Bridger rendezvous.net. (Disregard the historic dress rules — those are for the exhibitors.)

Arrive at at the fort that morning at a time of your choosing. We’ll gather to have lunch at noon and start back together at 1. There will be roadside stops at historic places along the drive back. One stop will entail driving a few miles on the well-maintained, unpaved Jeremy Ranch Road to Mormon Flat, where you can scramble up a small hillside to explore stone fortifications built by the Mormon Battalion to fend off US troops during the “Mormon War” of 1857.  Otherwise, the drive is on pavement with stops that do not require hiking.

As the day approaches, please contact Lee (kreutzer@xmission.com) and provide a cell phone number that can be used to contact you at Fort Bridger.

July Birthdays

 4    Rodger C.                                              22   Brenda W. 

 5    Andrew C.                                              25   Kyle B.     

11    Bobby B., Caleb S.                               26   MaryAnn W. 

12    Micah H.                                               28    Phillip A.             

19   Bob B.                                                   30    Travis J-B., Michael T. 

21   Lawrie A-G                                  







Congregation Council

Is meeting in-person and Zoom August 13 after worship.

Utah Food Bank    

We will be sorting food at the Utah Food Bank July 1 from 10am-Noon.