Tabor is going to serve the dinner meal at Catholic Social Services downtown, called "Dinner at Vinny's"
St Vincent dePaul at the Wiegand Homeless Services building has created volunteer spaces for our day of service.
You're invited! 
Please follow the directions below to pre-register for the service event:
Click on the link below to create an account.  Please use the JOIN CODE below.
Your event is scheduled for:
Dinner Service
Date: November 8
Time:  4:30-6:30pm
Each person needs to:
2-Join your group with the code below
         JOIN CODE: mounttabor 
3- go to and reserve your space to serve "Dinner at Vinny's" on Nov. 8th


On the day of the event, please try and carpool as parking is limited.


Please use the Volunteer Entrance on the east side of the building. Inside, use the first door on your right where you will check-in on the computer monitor.


Wash hands at the sink in the kitchen, and find gloves, apron, and hairnets nearby.


Closed toed shoes MUST be worn. Hair must be pulled back and either a hat or hairnet (we provide hairnets) must be worn.


We begin serving dinner at 5pm, cafeteria-style.


If you have any questions feel free to contact Casey White at 801-295-0685.


Hope to see you there!