The New Ministry Team has been working now for a year. Our goal is to take the concept the Visioning Team created last year - Ministry of People and Place - define it and put meat-on-the-bones to why we envision this for Mt. Tabor at this time in our history. We also wish to define what outcomes we hope our efforts may achieve for us: for Tabor as a church in our community and for the work we are called by God to do.

Called to Live God's Love in the World.
God's Work. Our Hands.

On Sundays during the month of October, the New Ministry Team will be presenting the What, Who and Why of our work. This month-long conversation will culminate on Reformation Sunday where we will spend time sharing more from old and new ministry partners to describe how we may join with them in serving the homeless in a new way and being available to answer questions you may have. It is not time yet to implement all programs. It is time to inform and encourage dialog with everyone in the congregation. We will begin with short presentations after worship during the announcements.

The schedule for October:

  • October 6: What is the Ministry of People and Place?
  • October 13: Who are we serving now and who do we hope to expand to?
  • October 20: Why are we engaging in these old and new ways?
  • October 27, Reformation Sunday: "Acknowledge the Reimaging of Ministry" We are inviting Ministry Partners to speak and share new ministry at a potluck after worship.



New Ministry Team:

Deb Elstad, Chair
Stephanie Wilson, Vice Chair and Secretary
Chris Jensen
Casey White
Dave Warren, representing Council as its President