At the 4 February 2024 annual meeting, four topic areas that needed further clarification were raised. This note is just to let all know that all of these have been addressed. The topic areas were

  • A request was made that Sharon provide the year-end balance of the two general fund bank accounts. She provided this to the council and the annual report was updated to reflect these numbers.
  • Bob Brown requested that he receive a record of his pay items (i.e., a pay stub) with every pay period. Bob Brown now has access to his pay stubs.
  • There was an unclear action item related to the deficit concern. Given no one could recall the question asked, it was assumed that it had been resolved.
  • It was asked if the estimated amount of the parking donations in the budget is correct. The data were reviewed, and the amount listed in the budget was correct.

Respectively submitted to the congregation, 

Dave Warren, congregational president 


Purchasing for Tabor?

The following is just a reminder that everyone needs to follow the policy regarding purchases and requests for reimbursement.

If you’re making a purchase for Mt. Tabor and are planning to request reimbursement, please first check with the appropriate committee (Building & Grounds, Congregational Life, YOAKS, etc.) to verify that the purchase is something the committee wants and is within their budget.

Each Tabor committee is assigned a budget at the annual meeting, and each committee needs to track expenditures to ensure that their budgets are not overspent.

To request reimbursement for a purchase, fill out one of the reimbursement forms that are kept on the windowsill in front of the office, request the signature of the committee lead, and place the form in the “office” mail slot next to the office door.

Dave Warren, congregational president