Working as a team for a year plus, the New Ministry members searched, kibitzed, struggled sometimes, talked and talked a lot. The best thing we did was to start our monthly meetings with devotions shared by a team member. And we closed in prayer. All good practice for healthy, Jesus-led Christians. What we came to sit-up-and-take-notice on was how clearly the messages - the Spirit at our backs - were delivered at necessary, riduculously appropriate and so-needed times.

We want to share some of them with you all. It likely won't have the timely impact or the WOW-inducing feelings we experienced. We do hope these Bible passages, writing from noted theologians and caring pastors from many demoninations will inspire you to join in the next stages of new ministry at Tabor. These next stages are where the vision inserts itself in reality and takes up residence on our hearts.


* Note: Most, if not all, were not written by the team members. They were written by someone else and found their way to us. Unfortunately, as we publish these for your reading, we find that we may not be able to credit their sources. Our apologies. If the authors find these posts and wish to claim they are yours, please let us know and we will give you credit as due. Otherwise, a big THANK YOU!