Rev. Dana Peterson, Director for Evangelical Mission for the Rocky Mountain Synod, has begun the Vital Right Shaped Ministry (VRSM) process with both Mount Tabor Council and Congregational meetings on Saturday and Sunday, October 29-30, 2022.

Vital Right-Shaped Ministry is a viewpoint for doing and evaluating ministry, a lens through which congregations and other ministries in the Rocky Mountain Synod can look at themselves as they are and envision what they can become. It fits into our understanding of “Church Becoming” by asking our congregations and leaders to become self-aware and adapt for a thriving future. It will provide tools for congregations and rostered ministers to review their congregational life, set a course for their future, and strengthen both rostered ministers and those with whom they serve for their journey ahead.

This is an adaptive moment for the Church, a moment when all the technical, “rearrange the chairs” ways of doing things will undoubtedly prove inadequate to the moment.  In this moment of dis-ease and unsettledness, an innovative Church can connect with those who may have previously rejected the notion that God could speak to them through such an institution. 

If you've missed something, want to review sessions or on-going VRSM process or activities - use following links for on-going info: