Vital Right-Shaped Ministry is a viewpoint for doing and evaluating ministry, a lens through which congregations and other ministries in the Rocky Mountain Synod can look at themselves as they are and envision what they can become. It fits into our understanding of “Church Becoming” by asking our congregations and leaders to become self-aware and adapt for a thriving future. It will provide tools for congregations and rostered ministers to review their congregational life, set a course for their future, and strengthen both rostered ministers and those with whom they serve for their journey ahead.
This is an adaptive moment for the Church, a moment when all the technical, “rearrange the chairs” ways of doing things will undoubtedly prove inadequate to the moment. In this moment of dis-ease and unsettledness, an innovative Church can connect with those who may have previously rejected the notion that God could speak to them through such an institution.
Vision and mission are so central to the life of God’s people that without vision we perish and without mission we lose our way. ~ Noewen
(From Tabor's website footer) We do God's work by:
How do we pay attention to what is right in front of us - the daily gifts of God's grace. What gift of grace and beauty is God putting in front of me. Reframing our view of God’s gifts – gifts of creation, gifts of relationship, gifts of our daily bread. Cultivate Gratitude. How do we see our personal roles at Tabor - history, focus, past.
Stopping to simply be in God’s presence. Be still and know that I am God. Being full in our bodies and resting in the assurance of God’s love so we can experience truth… Paul in Romans: nothing can separate us.
Session #2, October 2. God's Work. Our Hands: What will God do next in this place?
Re-imagine: What constitutes a faith community? A Church not tied to place.
Re-purpose: Using the example of Our building. What if we built an endowment to cover the capital costs of the building and focus everything on-going toward mission? How might we fuel our mission? Our biggest opportunity (asset) to make changes to fuel our mission. What if examples.
The Romero Prayer – "Prophets of a Future Not Our Own"
Session #3, October 16. God's Up to Something - In this place.
Preparing for Pr. Dana Peterson begin working with Tabor in a process for Vital Right-Shaped Ministry.
In a Changing World
Do with excellence, not everything.
Questions to discuss:
To move forward: Those with us are the fully committed. Invite people into Outcome.