Bishop Gonia re-elected for 2nd term at the 2018 Synod Assembly
Voting members, visitors, and exhibitors gathered this past weekend for the 2018 Synod Assembly in Westminster, the first major decision put forth to the assembly was electing a Bishop to serve the Rocky Mountain Synod for the next 6 years.
Bishop Jim Gonia was re-elected to a second term on the first ballot at the Rocky Mountain Synod Assembly. 391 votes were cast. Bishop Gonia received 321 votes. 294 votes were needed for an election on the first ballot to reach the 75% threshold


Synod Assembly Updates

This past weekend voting members adopted a budget and constitution changes, and elected new leaders to boards, committees, and 2019 Churchwide Assembly.
In addition, three resolutions and one memorial were adopted:
Resolutions Adopted:
"The Synod Assembly encourages all congregations within the Rocky Mountain Synod to engage in a discussion of gun violence and establish policies for their property accordingly, which might include declaring certain properties gun-free zones."
be it resolved that the youth council explore models for a youth leadership council, including financial support, to be presented to the Synod Council or the 2019 Assembly, and develop documents of structure and operation to be approved by the synod council, and be made available at the next synod assembly. 
 the Rocky Mountain Synod Assembly urge the U.S. Congress to call on the State of Israel to guarantee basic due process rights in the Israeli military court system; ensure the absolute prohibition against torture and ill-treatment in accordance with international law; ensure that operations are carried out in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and call on the United States to fully enforce its own established law, including the U.S. Foreign Assistance Act.
That the Rocky Mountain Synod meeting in assembly memorializes the 2019 Church-wide Assembly to establish a church-wide study and social statement that: • Applies Luther's teachings regarding the dignity, importance and role of work/vocation, • Considers public policy as applied to work/vocation in a time of transformative • Examines how income inequality affects urban, suburban, and rural communities using a modern lens, • Articulates theology-based legislative and public policy recommendations designed for the digital age