Utah Day Without Child Care

Utah Care For Kids will host a Day Without Childcare on May 13, 2024, from 3-5 PM at the Utah State Capitol South Steps (350 N State St., SLC). As part of a national movement, we are highlighting that Utah's economy is heavily dependent upon our passionate, professional and highly trained early care and learning educators and families love their childcare programs.

Childcare providers and families work to make Utah work! 

At this child centered event, together we will dance, enjoy popsicles, color/write letters to elected officials, and collaborate to create community big book, "Child Care Works For Utah." 

We will have "I cannot work without childcare" stickers for parents to wear to work this day. Providers, see sign up below to get your parents stickers ahead of the event! 

Care for Kids tshirts, stickers and other materials will be available the day of. For more information or to volunteer, contact Brigette Weier at careforkidsnetwork@gmail.com


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