Baptismal font undergoing restortation

Mt. Tabor’s venerable wooden baptismal font has beenremoved temporarily from the sanctuary for professional refinishing and restoration. It will be returned in time for the baptism of Amelia Ann on June 25.

“We are excited to perform work on this baptismal font,” said Martin Hardle, of Classic Furniture Service in Murray. “It is not everyday we get to work on a unique and sacred item like this.” Mr. Hardle said his company has 45 years of experience in furniture restoration.

The congregation brought Mt. Tabor’s font from the original Avenue E church to our current building in 1963. Exactly when the piece was built is uncertain, but it’s at least 60 and possibly over 100 years old. Moisture from water in its ceramic basin has caused the interior panel to warp, while years of exposure to sunlight, desiccation from the arid climate, and lack of regular care have caused thefinish to deteriorate and exterior panels to crack and shrink.Some smaller pieces have even pulled away and become unattached.

The Endowments & Memorials Committee is providing up to $1,000—the initial cost estimate offered by Classic Furniture—for the restoration.
