Hello Family Promise Supporters,
Family Promise Salt Lake continues to grow our programing and staff.  We have emerged out of the pandemic with renewed confidence and are planning for future expansion.  Rest assured though, we could not have done it without the investment so many of you have made toward our mission.  From the volunteers in our shelter program to those who donate financially, your commitment is paying off.  In fact, just today I got word that another of our families in shelter has been approved for an apartment of their own!   We want to say THANK YOU!
You are invited to celebrate this collective work at our annual summer gathering.  The event is TOTALLY FREE!  Here are the details:
Date:  June 14th
Time:  6-8pm
Place: St. Mark's Episcopal Church located at 231 E 100 S in the heart of SLC.
Food:  Tacos Garay will have their food truck on site for free dinner!
I and the staff will be there, along with a current guest family, to briefly talk about our success and future plans!  Please click on the link below to register for the event.  This will help us know how much food will need to be on site.  
As always, if you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at brian@familypromisesaltlake.org or at 801-961-8622.  
Brian Diggs, FPSL Executive Director