• Worship in the Park


 Stewardship 2020 Ministry Initiative!

The Tabor Stewardship team presents the options below for your consideration, and invites you to cast your vote in October for our 2020 Ministry Initiative.  The team is working on getting speakers as well, from each of the potential mission partners to give us a sense of their mission.  Please take a moment to follow the links below:
Fisher House      www.fisherhousesaltlakecity.com/
Jordan River Clean-up      https://jordanrivercommission.com/volunteer/                   (inspired by Kylie's invitation in July to help her clean up the 900 South wetlands)
YWCA Domestic Violence Shelter  www.ywcautah.org/what-we-do/safety/
The Other Side Academy  (they are right across the street from us)  www.theothersideacademy.com
Bryant Middle School  (they are two blocks away)  https://give.saltlakeeducationfoundation.org/bryant-donation
Our Stewardship Team is Stephanie Wilson, Bruce Palenske, Mallory deForest, and Pr. David. Please feel free to contact any of these volunteers if you have any questions!

Operation Christmas Child

More than 8.8 million shoebox gifts were collected in 2018–blessing children around the world. Each gift can make a difference in the life of a child. Our gifts went to Mexico and we’ll see where they are sent this year.

Here is just one story:

Evgeniy and the soap

To the person that packed my shoebox, I say, “Thank you! You gave me something small, but it was so significant!”

My mother abandoned me at birth so I grew up in an orphanage until I was adopted in 2004 at age 14. At the orphanage, located in the former Soviet Union, we didn’t have a lot of things, including showers or bathtubs. Instead, they put us on a school bus once a month and drove us to the public bath house in a small city of 10,000 people. The 120 kids in the orphanage were divided into age groups. My group of 30 shared one bar of soap.

At age 12, I received my shoebox with a slinky and some small rubber balls along with a washcloth. Looking at the washcloth, I had no idea how to use it. Best of all, there was a bar of scented soap. It smelled wonderful! Our soap was odorless.

We had to hide everything that was precious to us so it would ‘t get stolen. I gave an older friend my bar of soap and she hid it for for a year, until showers were built at the orphanage—it took another 6 months for them to work properly. A friend & I begged the security guards to open the showers so I could use my soap—I was only able to use it a couple more times before I left the orphanage. That bar of soap was precious to me. It was my own and I’d never had my own bar of soap.

I became a Christian about 2 years after my brothers and I were adopted.

Today I work for a pharmaceutical company in Texas that makes eye care products. I am also a photographer in my spare time. Looking back, I realize my shoebox gave me a sense of hope. It showed me that someone really cared enough to pack this gift and send it to me.

Now as I pack shoeboxes, every one contains a bar of scented soap and a washcloth. I want the child to experience what I experienced. I want them to know that there’s someone who cares for them. Most of all, I want them to know God loves them.

This is just one story. Please consider packing a shoebox gift. Boxes are available in the narthex, along with a list of gift suggestions. They need to be returned to church by November 17, along with a $9.00 donation for shipping. Contact Jean Stephenson with questions.