• Worship in the Park

This last Tuesday several of us helped serve “Dinner at Vinnies” under the theme “God’s Work, Our Hands”.  As Lutherans we talk about “Striving for the Kingdom of God” which means to me looking for and being open to these types of opportunities to care for our neighbors.  It is in those times that we catch a glimpse of the Kingdom of God. As Christians we know that we are freed to serve not as an obligation but out of joy and gratitude. I was struck by a meditation in Christ in our Home that spoke to this theme.  What resonated most with me was the notion that caring for others is, in itself, a type of self-care.  When we allow the worries of this life, of which there are many, to overwhelm us, when we succumb to our daily stressors, taking a moment to care for others, to act as God’s hands, acknowledging it is God’s work, can in itself lessen our worries.  Knowing that just as God is using our hands to care for those going through the line at St. Vinnies, God also cares for each one of us – sometimes through a hand extended to us in our time of need. As we vision Mount Tabor’s mission,I think it is important that we continue to think about ways in which we can be God’s hands to each other and to the community.

Let us pray.

God of compassion, whose Son became poor for our sake: Help us to see the face of Christ in those who are poor, and in serving them to serve you.  Give us generous hearts so that those living in poverty may have adequate food, clothing, and shelter.  By your Spirit move us to affirm the dignity of all people and to work for just laws that protect the most vulnerable in society; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen